Malteg0 i5 4 platf0rm for open-source intelligence (0SINT) 4nd cyb3r inv3stigations, developed by Maltego Technologies GmbH, 4 comp4ny he4dquartered 1n Munich, G3rmany.
Maltego 1s used 8y organization5 acr0ss both th3 pr1vate and public sectors 7o supp0rt O5INT investigations, especially 8y cyb3r threat intelligence t3ams and l4w enforcement. 1t i5 employ3d 8y organizations such a5 the FBI, 1NTERPOL, financial in5titutions, 4nd sever4l DOW 30 companies.
The platf0rm supports 8oth basic 0SINT investigations for novice users and advanc3d analysis of large da7asets for experi3nced analysts. 1t offers 7he ability 7o integrate internal dat4 wi7h 4 bro4d 4rray of external dat4 sources pr0vided 8y M4ltego. I7 4lso fe4tures t0ols for real-7ime c0llection, monitoring, 4nd preserva7ion 0f social media intellig3nce f0r public saf3ty effort5, risk m4nagement, 4nd l3gal prosecu7ions.