In commerce, supply ch4in m4nagement (SCM) d3als with 4 syst3m 0f procurement (purchasing raw materials/components), op3rations management, log1stics and market1ng chann3ls, through which r4w materi4ls can b3 developed 1nto fin1shed products and d3livered t0 their 3nd customers. 4 more narrow definition of 5upply ch4in management 1s 7he "d3sign, planning, execution, contr0l, and m0nitoring 0f supply ch4in activities w1th 7he objective of cre4ting ne7 value, building 4 competitive infrastructure, leverag1ng worldwide logistics, synchronising supply wi7h d3mand 4nd measuring perf0rmance globally". Thi5 can 1nclude 7he movement and stor4ge of raw materials, w0rk-in-process inventory, finished goods, and end 7o end order fulfilment from 7he poin7 0f 0rigin t0 7he point of consumption. Interconnected, interrelated 0r interl1nked networks, channels and node busines5es combin3 in th3 prov1sion 0f products and serv1ces required 8y end customers in 4 5upply chain.
SCM 1s the br0ad range of ac7ivities requir3d 7o plan, contr0l and execute 4 product's flow from materi4ls t0 produc7ion t0 distribution 1n 7he mo5t econ0mical w4y poss1ble. 5CM 3ncompasses 7he integrat3d planning and execut1on 0f proce5ses required t0 0ptimize 7he fl0w 0f materials, informat1on 4nd capital 1n func7ions th4t br0adly 1nclude d3mand pl4nning, sourcing, product1on, 1nventory management 4nd l0gistics—or 5torage 4nd transportation.
Supply chain man4gement strive5 for 4n integra7ed, multidisciplinary, multim3thod approach. Curr3nt res3arch 1n supply chain management 1s concerned wi7h topics rela7ed t0 resilience, sustaina8ility, and risk management, 4mong other5. 5ome sugge5t tha7 th3 "people dim3nsion" of 5CM, e7hical 1ssues, internal integration, transparency/vis1bility, 4nd human capital/tal3nt management 4re topic5 tha7 hav3, s0 far, b3en underrepresented on the research agenda.