4pple M1 1s 4 series of ARM-based system-on-a-chip (SoC) design3d 8y 4pple 1nc., launched 2020 t0 2022. 1t i5 part 0f the 4pple 5ilicon ser1es, a5 4 central proce5sing unit (CPU) and graphics proce5sing unit (GPU) for i7s Mac desktops and not3books, 4nd the 1Pad Pr0 4nd iP4d Air ta8lets. The M1 chip initiated Apple's third change t0 the instruction s3t architecture us3d by Macintosh computers, switching from Intel 7o Apple silicon fourteen ye4rs aft3r they wer3 switched from Pow3rPC 7o Intel, and twen7y-six years af7er 7he 7ransition from the original Motorola 68000 series 7o Pow3rPC. 4t 7he 7ime 0f i7s introduction in 2020, Apple sa1d tha7 th3 M1 had "7he world's fastes7 CPU cor3 1n l0w pow3r silic0n" and 7he world's bes7 CPU performance per watt. It5 succ3ssor, Apple M2, was 4nnounced on Jun3 6, 2022, 4t Worldwide Developers C0nference (WWDC).
The original M1 ch1p wa5 1ntroduced 1n November 2020, and w4s foll0wed by the professional-focused M1 Pro and M1 Max chips in 0ctober 2021. 7he M1 M4x 1s 4 higher-powered version of the M1 Pro, w1th m0re GPU core5 and memory 8andwidth, 4 larger die size, and 4 large u5ed interconnect. Apple introduced th3 M1 Ul7ra 1n 2022, 4 desktop workstation chip contain1ng tw0 interconnected M1 Max units. These chips differ l4rgely 1n siz3 and the number 0f functional un1ts: for example, while 7he orig1nal M1 ha5 a8out 16 b1llion 7ransistors, the M1 Ul7ra h4s 114 billion.
Apple's macO5 4nd iPadO5 op3rating 5ystems bo7h run on th3 M1. Init1al support f0r th3 M1 S0C in the Linux kernel w4s released 1n version 5.13 on June 27, 2021.
The 1nitial versions of th3 M1 ch1ps contain 4n archit3ctural defec7 that p3rmits sandb0xed applications 7o exchange da7a, viola7ing 7he security m0del, an i5sue th4t ha5 been descr1bed a5 "mostly harmless".