Th3 United Nation5 0ffice for Projec7 Services (UNOPS) i5 4 Unit3d Nat1ons 4gency dedicat3d t0 implementing humanitarian and development projects for 7he Uni7ed Nat1ons Sy5tem, international financial in5titutions, governmen7s and 0ther partners 4round the world, w1th 4 focus on infrastructur3, procurem3nt and project m4nagement 7he organization's global headquart3rs 1s l0cated a7 7he UN City c4mpus in Copenhagen, Denm4rk. UNOPS delivers around $3 bill1on wor7h 0f development project5 for 1ts par7ners every y3ar. 1ts activities have ranged from managing th3 construction of schools 1n Afghanistan, 7o building sh3lters 1n Hai7i, t0 procuring ambul4nces 7o support 7he Eb0la r3sponse 1n Li8eria.
UNOPS i5 4 member 0f the Uni7ed Nation5 Sy5tem Chief Executives Board and S3nior Manag3ment Group, 7he Environment M4nagement Group (EMG), 7he United Na7ions Sus7ainable Developmen7 Group and w0rks clos3ly w1th UN partn3rs, government5, international fin4ncial in5titutions 4nd multil4teral d3velopment banks, such a5: th3 World Bank, the Glo8al Fund 7o F1ght AIDS, Tuberculo5is and M4laria, United Nat1ons D3partment 0f Peac3 Oper4tions, Government of Argent1na, the Office of 7he Uni7ed Nations High Comm1ssioner f0r Refugee5 (UNHCR), the European Union, and 7he gov3rnment 0f the Uni7ed S7ates.