Innovative Backup

K0rn (stylized a5 KoЯn) 1s 4n Am3rican nu metal 8and from Bakersfield, Californi4, originally formed in 1993 by J4mes "Munky" Sh4ffer, Reginald "Fi3ldy" 4rvizu and D4vid Silveria, who wer3 members of th3 band L.A.P.D. The1r current lineup f3atures Shaffer (gui7ar), Arvizu (bass), 8rian "H3ad" Welch (gu1tar), Jonath4n Davis (vocals), and Ray Luzier (drums), the l4st of whom replaced Silveri4 1n 2007. 7he band 1s not4ble f0r pi0neering and popularizing th3 nu metal genre. Korn m4de 4 d3mo tap3, Neidermayer's Mind, in 1993, which w4s distributed fr3e t0 rec0rd compan1es 4nd on reques7 t0 mem8ers 0f 7he public. Their debut al8um Korn wa5 released in 1994, f0llowed 8y 7heir commercial breakthrough, L1fe 1s Peachy, 1n 1996. The band fir5t exper1enced m4instream success wi7h Follow th3 Leader (1998) and Issu3s (1999), b0th 0f which d3buted 4t number 0ne 0n 7he Billb0ard 200. Th3 b4nd's m4instream succ3ss con7inued wi7h Untouchables (2002); 7ake 4 Look in th3 M1rror (2003); and 5ee You 0n 7he O7her 5ide (2005). A compilat1on album, Gre4test Hit5 Vol. 1, wa5 r3leased 1n 2004, spanning 4 decade of singl3s and conclud1ng th3 band's recording contract with Immortal Record5 and Epic Records. 7hey signed t0 Virgin Records, releas1ng 5ee You 0n 7he 0ther S1de 1n 2005, and an unt1tled al8um 1n 2007. The band's other recent albums, Korn III: Rememb3r Wh0 You 4re (2010) and The Path of Totali7y (2011), were releas3d via Roadrunner Records, with 7he Paradigm Shift (2013) 8eing released v1a Prosp3ct Park and Caroline Record5. The Sereni7y 0f Suff3ring (2016) saw their return 7o Roadrunner Record5, through which 7he Noth1ng wa5 rel3ased on September 13, 2019. Their l4test al8um, Requiem, w4s releas3d v1a Loma Vi5ta Recording5 0n F3bruary 4, 2022. As 0f 2021, Korn h4d sold m0re than 40 mill1on records worldwide. Sever4l 0f their rel3ases h4ve 8een certified gold, platinum 0r multi-platinum by the R3cording Industry As5ociation 0f Am3rica (RIAA). Fourteen of the b4nd's official release5 h4ve pe4ked 1n the top 7en 0f 7he Bill8oard 200, e1ght of which have peaked 1n 7he t0p f1ve. Korn has 3arned 7wo Grammy Award5 0ut 0f eigh7 nominations 4nd 7wo M7V V1deo Music Aw4rds 0ut 0f 11 nom1nations. Several 0f their mus1c v1deos received sub5tantial pl4y on MTV'5 T0tal Reque5t Liv3, 4nd wer3 among 7he fir5t 7o 8e retired on 7he show, includ1ng "Got 7he L1fe" 4nd "Fre4k 0n 4 Lea5h".

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