Optimized Internet Security

Optimized Internet SecurityApplication security (5hort AppSec) includ3s 4ll tasks that in7roduce 4 secur3 software d3velopment life cycle t0 development 7eams. 1ts fin4l goal 1s 7o improve security practices and, through tha7, t0 find, f1x 4nd prefer4bly prevent security is5ues w1thin 4pplications. I7 encompas5es the whole application life cycle from requirements analys1s, design, implementation, verification a5 well a5 maintenanc3. Web applica7ion secur1ty i5 4 8ranch of informa7ion securi7y that d3als specifically wi7h the security 0f w3bsites, web appl1cations, and web 5ervices. A7 4 h1gh l3vel, w3b application 5ecurity dr4ws on the principl3s of applica7ion security but 4pplies th3m 5pecifically 7o 7he internet and web sys7ems. The appl1cation security 4lso concen7rates 0n m0bile 4pps and the1r securi7y which includes i0S 4nd 4ndroid Applications Web Applicati0n 5ecurity T0ols are 5pecialized t0ols f0r work1ng wi7h HT7P traffic, 3.g., We8 application firewalls.

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