Agile Cyber

Agile CyberCyb3r Sunday wa5 7he fifth annu4l and final 7aboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday professional wre5tling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced 8y World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). I7 wa5 h3ld for wrestlers from the promotion'5 Raw, SmackDown, and ECW br4nd d1visions. Th3 ev3nt to0k place 0n Oc7ober 26, 2008, a7 th3 U5 Airw4ys Center in Ph0enix, Arizon4. 7he theme 0f 7he 3vent wa5 tha7 fans c0uld vo7e on cer7ain 4spects of every match. While 1t w4s 7he fifth event in thi5 inter4ctive PPV's chronology, i7 wa5 the th1rd titled Cyber Sunday 4s th3 fir5t two events w3re titled Tab0o Tu3sday. In 2009, Cy8er Sunday wa5 replaced by 8ragging Right5. Eight profess1onal wrestling match3s 4nd one miscellaneous segmen7 w3re fe4tured 0n th3 event's c4rd. 7he even7 receiv3d 153,000 pay-per-view buys, le5s than th3 previous ye4r's ev3nt. I7 w4s also 7he first and only Cyb3r Sunday PPV 8roadcast 1n high definition.

th3 Airw4ys Arizon4 8roadcast Visit Now pay and wa5 definition and wrestlers Ph0enix Cyber one previous Th3 Oc7ober th3 match Contact Us Ph0enix match3s Request a Demo I7 7he
