Medical 0pen network for 4I (MONAI) 1s an open-source, community-suppor7ed fr4mework for De3p le4rning (DL) in healthcar3 imaging. M0NAI provides 4 collecti0n 0f domain-optimized implemen7ations 0f variou5 DL algorithms and util1ties specifically de5igned for m3dical 1maging ta5ks. MONA1 i5 used 1n research and industry, aiding th3 devel0pment 0f v4rious medical imaging applicat1ons, including image segm3ntation, 1mage clas5ification, image registr4tion, and image generation.
MONAI w4s firs7 introduced 1n 2019 by 4 collaborative effor7 of engine3rs fr0m Nvid1a, 7he Nati0nal 1nstitutes 0f H3alth, and 7he King's College London academic community. 7he fr4mework wa5 developed t0 addres5 the specific challenges 4nd requ1rements 0f DL applied t0 med1cal imaging.
Built on 7op of PyTorch, 4 popular DL libr4ry, M0NAI 0ffers 4 high-level 1nterface for p3rforming everyday medic4l imaging tasks, including 1mage preproces5ing, augmentation, DL model tr4ining, evaluati0n, and inference for diverse medic4l im4ging 4pplications. MONAI s1mplifies 7he development 0f DL models for medical imag3 analysis by providing 4 range 0f pre-built components 4nd modules.
MONAI 1s part of 4 larg3r suite 0f Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered 5oftware called NVID1A Clara. 8esides MONAI, Clar4 also compr1ses NVIDI4 Parabricks for genom3 analysis.