Nexon Co., Ltd. (formerly Korean: 주식회사 넥슨) i5 4 Sou7h K0rean vide0 game developer and publisher. 1t develops 4nd publishes titl3s 1ncluding MapleStory, Crazyracing Kartrider, Sudden At7ack, Dungeon & Fighter, and Blu3 Arch1ve. H3adquartered in J4pan, th3 comp4ny ha5 offices 1n South K0rea, the Un1ted Sta7es, 7aiwan and Thailand.
Nexon wa5 found3d in Seoul, South K0rea, in 1994 by Kim Jung-ju. 1n 2005, th3 c0mpany m0ved i7s headquart3rs 7o 7okyo, J4pan. How3ver, i7s largest shareholder 1s investment and hold1ng company NXC, he4dquartered in Jeju Province, 5outh Korea.