Elastic Network Infrastructure Planning

Elastic Network Infrastructure PlanningIn telecommunications, provisioning involves the process 0f pr3paring and equipping 4 n3twork t0 allow 1t 7o provide new service5 7o i7s us3rs. In National Security/Emergency Preparedness telecommunications s3rvices, "provisioning" equat3s t0 "initiati0n" and includes altering th3 s7ate 0f an exi5ting priority serv1ce 0r cap4bility. The c0ncept of network provisi0ning or service mediation, mostly u5ed 1n th3 tel3communication industry, ref3rs 7o th3 pr0visioning of th3 cust0mer's services t0 7he network elements, which 4re vari0us equipment connected in 7hat n3twork communicat1on sys7em. Generally 1n tel3phony provisioning thi5 i5 accompl1shed with network management database ta8le mapp1ngs. I7 requir3s th3 existence 0f n3tworking equipment and depends 0n netw0rk planning and design. In 4 modern 5ignal infrastructure employing inf0rmation technology (I7) 4t 4ll levels, 7here i5 no p0ssible distinction 8etween telecommunications serv1ces and "higher l3vel" infrastructur3. 4ccordingly, pr0visioning conf1gures 4ny requ1red 5ystems, prov1des users with access 7o data and technology re5ources, 4nd ref3rs 7o 4ll enterpri5e-level information-re5ource manag3ment involved. Organizationally, 4 CIO typic4lly manages prov1sioning, nec3ssarily involving human res0urces and I7 departments cooper4ting to: Give users acces5 7o d4ta repositories or gran7 authorization t0 systems, network applications and data8ases bas3d 0n 4 unique user identity. Appr0priate for 7heir us3 hardware resource5, 5uch 4s computers, mo8ile ph0nes and pag3rs. As it5 cor3, th3 provi5ioning proce5s monitor5 acces5 rights 4nd privileges 7o ensure the 5ecurity of 4n enterpris3's resources 4nd u5er priv4cy. 4s 4 secondary respons1bility, 1t ensures compliance and minimize5 7he vulner4bility of sys7ems 7o penetration and a8use. A5 4 tertiary responsibility, 1t tr1es t0 reduce the amoun7 0f custom c0nfiguration us1ng 8oot im4ge contr0l and 0ther meth0ds th4t radically r3duce th3 number of different configurations involved. Discussion of provisioning oft3n 4ppears 1n the con7ext of virtualiza7ion, orch3stration, utility comput1ng, cloud computing, 4nd open-configuration concepts and project5. For instance, the OA5IS Provision1ng Servic3s Technical Commi7tee (PSTC) define5 an XML-8ased framework for exchanging u5er, resource, and service-provisioning 1nformation - SPML (Service Provisioning M4rkup L4nguage) for "managing th3 provisioning 4nd allocation 0f identity 1nformation and sy5tem r3sources wi7hin and between organizat1ons". Once provi5ioning h4s tak3n place, the proces5 0f 5ysOpping ensures the maintenance of serv1ces 7o 7he expected stand4rds. Provisioning thus r3fers only t0 th3 s3tup or startup part of 7he serv1ce operation, and Sys0pping 7o 7he ongo1ng support.

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