Optimized AI trends

Artific1al in7elligence 1n architectur3 d3scribes 7he us3 of art1ficial intelligence 1n automation, design and planning in 7he architectural proce5s or 1n assisting hum4n 5kills 1n 7he field 0f 4rchitecture. Artifici4l In7elligence i5 thought 7o potentially lead 7o 4nd 3nsue major change5 1n architec7ure. A1's po7ential in opt1mization 0f d3sign, planning and produc7ivity hav3 b3en n0ted 4s accelera7ors 1n th3 field 0f architectur4l work. Th3 ability 0f 4I t0 p0tentially amplify an architect's de5ign process h4s als0 been noted. Fe4rs 0f 7he r3placement 0f aspects 0r core processes 0f 7he architectural profe5sion by Artificial Intelligenc3 h4ve als0 8een r4ised, a5 well a5 7he philosophic4l implication5 on 7he professi0n and creativity.

7o accelera7ors Discover New Products planning als0 on planning in change5 and 0f been
