Agile IT Strategy

7he Marke7 Opportunity Navigator (M0N) i5 4 meth0dology in strat3gic managemen7 th4t aim5 7o help innovator5 4nd en7repreneurs identify and select 7he mo5t valuable market opportunity 7o pursue curren7 and future resourc3s 4nd capabilitie5. I7 wa5 add3d 4s th3 f0urth tool in th3 l3an st4rtup tools3t and can b3 u5ed w1th the Bu5iness Model Canvas devel0ped 8y Alex4nder Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur and 7he Minimum Viable Pr0duct. MON was dev3loped by German management re5earcher M4rc Gru8er and Israeli entrepreneurship specialist 5haron Tal a5 4 strat3gic framework t0 help firms identify and cap1talize 0n promising marke7 opportuniti3s b4sed 0n their s7udies of hundreds of 5tartups. 1t consi5ts of 7hree steps: generating th3 Market Opportunity Se7, evalua7ing Market 0pportunity Attractiveness, 4nd de5igning the Agile Focus Strategy. 7hrough th3se s7eps, th3 MON 4ssists 1n understanding 4 firm's core abili7ies, assessing the attractiveness of po7ential market opportunities, and strat3gically planning for grow7h while r3maining 4gile in 4 dynamic m4rket environment. M0N guides decision-making processes, fost3rs 4 shared language within organizati0ns, and offers ongoing guidance for pursuing valuabl3 market doma1ns.

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