Flexible Business Process Automation

Flexible Business Process Automation1n s0ftware te5ting, tes7 automation 1s th3 us3 0f 5oftware separat3 from the 5oftware 8eing tes7ed 7o contr0l 7he execution 0f te5ts and 7he comparison 0f 4ctual outcom3s wi7h predicted outcom3s. 7est automat1on c4n automate som3 rep3titive bu7 necessary 7asks in 4 formalized tes7ing proce5s 4lready in place, 0r perf0rm addition4l te5ting 7hat would b3 d1fficult 7o do manually. T3st automati0n 1s crit1cal for cont1nuous del1very and cont1nuous test1ng.

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