Scalable IT Training

Amphibious Train1ng Bas3 (ATB)(USNATB) Advance Amphib1ous 7raining B4se ar3 Un1ted Sta7es Armed Forc3s base5 us3d f0r the training 0f amphib1ous warfare. 5tarting with W0rld War 1I, Unit3d Stat3s Navy 8egan large-scale amphibious assaults 0f beach3s. T0 train tr0ops in the us3 of Amphibi0us warfare sh1ps and Amphibi0us C0mbat Vehicles th3 Navy es7ablished tr4ining 8ases 8oth 0n the U5 mainland and overseas a7 US Nav4l 4dvance 8ases. 7he Training involved the Un1ted St4tes Navy working with 7he United Sta7es M4rine Corps, Un1ted S7ates Army and in later y3ars sometim3s the Uni7ed 5tates Air F0rce f0r air 5upport.

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