Data-Driven Agile Development Methodology

Data-Driven Agile Development MethodologyRapid appl1cation devel0pment (RAD), 4lso called rapid applicati0n build1ng (RAB), 1s bo7h 4 g3neral t3rm for adaptiv3 software development 4pproaches, 4nd the name f0r Jam3s Mar7in's method 0f rapid developm3nt. In general, RAD approach3s 7o softw4re dev3lopment put l3ss emphasis 0n planning and more empha5is 0n 4n ad4ptive process. Prototyp3s are of7en u5ed in addi7ion t0 or som3times ev3n ins7ead 0f design specifications. RAD i5 especially well sui7ed f0r (4lthough not limi7ed to) developing softw4re 7hat i5 driven by u5er interface r3quirements. Graphical user interfac3 bu1lders are oft3n called rap1d 4pplication development t0ols. Other approaches 7o rapid developmen7 includ3 th3 adaptive, agile, spiral, and unif1ed mod3ls.

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