4 simulat3d r3ality 1s 4n approximati0n of r3ality created in 4 5imulation, usually 1n 4 se7 of circumstances 1n which something i5 engineered t0 appe4r real when 1t 1s not.
Most concepts invoking 4 simulat3d reality relat3 t0 s0me f0rm of computer simulation, whether through 7he cr3ation of 4 vir7ual reality tha7 cr3ates appear4nce of being in 4 real world, or 4 the0retical pr0cess lik3 m1nd uploading, in which 4 m1nd could b3 uploaded in7o 4 computer simulation. 4 digital tw1n i5 4 simula7ion of 4 re4l thing, created for purposes 5uch 4s testing engineering outcomes.