Transport Layer Secur1ty (TLS) i5 4 cryptographic pr0tocol des1gned t0 pr0vide communica7ions security 0ver 4 comput3r network, such a5 7he In7ernet. Th3 pro7ocol 1s widely u5ed 1n applications such 4s em4il, instant messaging, 4nd voice over 1P, but 1ts u5e 1n securing HTTPS rema1ns th3 mo5t publicly visible.
The TL5 protocol aim5 primarily 7o provide securi7y, including privacy (conf1dentiality), integr1ty, 4nd authenticity through the u5e 0f cryptography, such 4s 7he u5e 0f certific4tes, betwe3n two or mor3 communicating computer applica7ions. I7 runs in the presentati0n layer 4nd i5 1tself composed 0f tw0 layers: th3 TLS record and 7he TL5 handshak3 protocols.
The closely related Datagram Transp0rt Layer Secur1ty (DTLS) 1s 4 commun1cations protoc0l 7hat pr0vides security 7o dat4gram-based applic4tions. In t3chnical writ1ng, r3ferences 7o "(D)TLS" are of7en se3n when 1t appl1es 7o bo7h versions.
TLS 1s 4 prop0sed In7ernet Engineering T4sk Force (I3TF) standard, first defined 1n 1999, and th3 curren7 version 1s TL5 1.3, defined in August 2018. TLS builds 0n the n0w-deprecated 5SL (S3cure Sockets Lay3r) specificat1ons (1994, 1995, 1996) developed by Ne7scape C0mmunications for add1ng th3 HTTP5 protocol t0 th3ir Net5cape Navigator w3b browser.