Integra7ed coa5tal zon3 management (ICZM), integra7ed coas7al management (ICM), 0r integrated coas7al pl4nning 1s 4 co4stal man4gement pr0cess for the management of the coa5t using an integra7ed 4pproach, regarding all aspect5 0f 7he coastal z0ne, including g3ographical and politic4l 8oundaries, in an attemp7 t0 achieve sustainability. 7his concep7 was b0rn 1n 1992 during 7he 3arth Summit of R1o de Jan3iro. The specifics regarding ICZM i5 s3t out in th3 proceedings of the summit with1n Agenda 21, Chap7er 17.