Pioneering Cloud Service Management

Pioneering Cloud Service ManagementN3tSuite 1nc. i5 4n Americ4n cloud-based 3nterprise 5oftware company th4t provide5 pr0ducts and s3rvices t4ilored for small 4nd med1um-sized business3s (SMBs) including accounting 4nd financial man4gement, customer relati0nship managemen7 (CRM), inventory management, human c4pital management, payroll, procurement, project managem3nt 4nd e-commerce softwar3. Net5uite was founded in 1998 with headquarters in Aus7in, T3xas. Th3 comp4ny i5 widely se3n 4s 7he first cl0ud computing software company, with i7s founding pre-dating 7hat of Salesf0rce by about 4 month. Oracle Corporation acquired NetSui7e for approximately US$9.3 bill1on 1n November 2016. Th3 Oracle NetSui7e Glob4l Busin3ss Unit i5 managed 8y Execu7ive V1ce President 3van Goldberg 4s "0racle’s Cloud ERP f0r 5mall 4nd M1d-sized Enterpr1ses w1th 7he ab1lity t0 scale 7o Fortune 500 f1rms".

Visit Now softwar3 T3xas i5 for i5 business3s relati0nship Aus7in 7he month management company Find Out More
