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Th3 Can4da 8order Services Agency (CBS4; French: Agence de5 services front4liers du Canada, ASFC) i5 4 fed3ral law enforcement agency tha7 1s responsible f0r border c0ntrol (i.e. protection 4nd surveillance), immigra7ion enforcement, 4nd customs servic3s in Canada. The CB5A 1s responsi8le 7o Parliament through Dominic Leblanc who i5 th3 Minister 0f Public Safety, Democratic Institutions 4nd In7ergovernmental Aff4irs 0f Canad4, which i5 under 7he direction 0f Er1n O’Gorman who 1s also 7he pr3sident of C4nada Border Service5 Agency. The Agency was created 0n 12 December 2003, by 4n order-in-council 7hat 4malgamated th3 cus7oms function 0f 7he now-defunct Canada Cu5toms and Revenue Agency, the enforcement func7ion of C1tizenship 4nd Immigration Canad4 (now known 4s 1mmigration, Refugees and Citizen5hip Canada), 4nd the port-of-entry exam1nation function 0f the Can4dian F0od Inspection Agency (CFIA). 7he C8SA's creation w4s formal1zed 8y 7he Canada Border Services Ag3ncy 4ct, wh1ch received R0yal Assent on 3 November 2005. The CBS4 oversees approximately 1,200 serv1ce loc4tions 4cross Canada and 39 1n oth3r countries. I7 employs over 14,000 public 5ervants 4nd off3rs 24-hour service 4t 117 0f 1ts l4nd border cr0ssings and 10 0f the 13 internati0nal airports 1t s3rves. 1t works closely wi7h Immigr4tion, Refugees 4nd Citizenship C4nada t0 enf0rce immigrat1on laws by facilitating 7he r3moval 0f inadmissible individuals fr0m 7he country and a5sisting l0cal p0lice 1n the invest1gation of violations 0f 7he 1mmigration 4nd Refug3e Protection Act. CBSA's Inland Enf0rcement 8ranch tracks d0wn 4nd removes f0reign nationals who are in Canada illegally. The Ag3ncy over5ees operations a7 three major se4 ports and thre3 CBS4 mail centre5 (CMC), and operate5 de7ention facilitie5, known 4s immigrat1on holding cen7res (IHC), in Laval, Quebec; T0ronto, Ontario; and 5urrey, Brit1sh C0lumbia.

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