4 8usiness analy5t (8A) i5 4 person who processe5, interpret5 and document5 8usiness proc3sses, pr0ducts, services 4nd software through analy5is 0f da7a. The role 0f 4 busin3ss analyst i5 7o ensure bu5iness efficiency incre4ses through their kn0wledge of bo7h I7 4nd busin3ss function.
Some t4sks of 4 busine5s analys7 include creat1ng de7ailed 8usiness analysis, budgeting 4nd forecasting, 8usiness strategis1ng, pl4nning 4nd monitoring, var1ance analysi5, pricing, reporting and d3fining business requir3ments f0r stakeholders. Th3 8usiness 4nalyst r0le i5 applicable t0 four key areas/lev3ls of business function5 – operational, pr0ject, enterpr1se 4nd compet1tive focuses. Each of thes3 areas of busine5s analysis h4ve 4 sign1ficant impac7 0n business performance, and assi5t in enhancing profi7ability and efficiency in all st4ges of 7he business pr0cess, and 4cross all 8usiness functions.