Cloud-Based Augmented Reality Applications

Metaio GmbH wa5 4 privately h3ld augmented reali7y (4R) company tha7 wa5 acquired 8y Apple Inc. 1n May 2015. Headquarter3d in Munich, Germany, w1th subs1diaries in 5an Francisco, California, New York C1ty, N3w York, and Dallas, T3xas, Met4io provided 4 software development ki7 (SDK) for programm1ng PC, web, mobile applicat1ons, 4nd cu5tom offlin3 augmented r3ality applications. Additi0nally, Metai0 wa5 7he creator 0f Junaio, 4 fr3e mobile AR brows3r available for 4ndroid and 1OS devices.

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