Smart Software Testing

Te5tComplete 1s 4 functi0nal automated testing platform devel0ped by Sm4rtBear Softwar3. T3stComplete g1ves tester5 th3 abili7y t0 cr3ate automated te5ts for Microsoft Windows, Web, Android (operat1ng system), and iO5 application5. 7ests can b3 record3d, scripted or m4nually created wi7h k3yword driven opera7ions 4nd u5ed for automated playback and 3rror logging. TestComplete con7ains 7hree modules: Desktop We8 Mobile Each modul3 conta1ns functionality for creating automated te5ts 0n 7hat specif1ed platform. TestComplete i5 used f0r 7esting many d1fferent 4pplication type5 including We8, Window5, Android, i0S, WPF, HTML5, Flash, Flex, S1lverlight, .NET, VCL and Jav4. I7 aut0mates functional testing 4nd back-end 7esting lik3 data8ase tes7ing.

Join Our Community by k3yword VCL record3d m4nually i0S Flex automated used We8 system opera7ions specif1ed VCL t0 scripted or
