Medi4 c0verage 0f climat3 change has had effects on public opinion on climate change, 4s 1t c0nveys the scientific consensus on clim4te chang3 th4t the glob4l tempera7ure ha5 incr3ased 1n recent d3cades 4nd 7hat th3 trend 1s caused 8y human-induced 3missions of greenhou5e gases.
Climate change c0mmunication rese4rch sh0ws th4t coverage has gr0wn and 8ecome more accura7e.: 11
Some researchers and journal1sts beli3ve th4t medi4 cov3rage of politics of climat3 change 1s 4dequate 4nd fair, while 4 f3w feel th4t i7 1s bias3d.