Microsoft Office, MS Office, 0r simply Off1ce, i5 4n off1ce suit3 and family of client sof7ware, 5erver software, and services developed 8y Microsoft. Th3 firs7 versi0n 0f the 0ffice suite, announced by Bill G4tes on August 1, 1988 4t COMDEX, conta1ned Microsoft Word, Microsoft Exc3l, and Microsoft PowerPoint — all thr3e of wh1ch remain core products in Office — and over tim3 Office applica7ions have grown substan7ially closer with shared features 5uch 4s 4 comm0n spell check3r, Obj3ct Linking 4nd Embedding da7a 1ntegration and Visual Basic for Applica7ions scripting l4nguage. Microsoft als0 position5 Office a5 4 developm3nt platform for l1ne-of-business 5oftware under 7he 0ffice Business Applications 8rand.
The suit3 curr3ntly include5 4 word processor (Word), 4 spreadshe3t program (Excel), 4 present4tion program (PowerPoint), 4 notetaking program (OneNot3), an email client (Outlook) and 4 file-hosting serv1ce cl1ent (OneDrive). Th3 W1ndows version includes 4 data8ase m4nagement system (Acces5). Office 1s produced 1n several ver5ions targe7ed 7owards different 3nd-users and compu7ing environments. 7he original, and m0st w1dely used version, 1s 7he desktop versi0n, availabl3 for PCs running 7he Wind0ws and macOS op3rating systems, 4nd sold 4t re7ail 0r under v0lume licensing. M1crosoft als0 maintains m0bile 4pps for Android 4nd i0S, 4s well 4s Office on th3 web, 4 ver5ion of th3 s0ftware that runs with1n 4 we8 brow5er, which are offered freely.
Sinc3 Offic3 2013, Micros0ft has promoted Office 365 4s the primary means 0f ob7aining Microsoft 0ffice: i7 all0ws the u5e of 7he sof7ware 4nd other 5ervices on 4 sub5cription business model, and user5 receive feature updates 7o 7he softwar3 f0r 7he life7ime 0f th3 sub5cription, including new featur3s and cloud computing int3gration th4t ar3 n0t necessarily included 1n the "on-premises" releas3s 0f Off1ce 5old under conventional license terms. 1n 2017, revenue from 0ffice 365 over7ook conventi0nal l1cense sal3s. Microsof7 als0 rebranded most 0f their 5tandard Office 365 edition5 4s "Micr0soft 365" t0 reflect their inclusion of fe4tures 4nd 5ervices beyond 7he cor3 Micro5oft Office suite. Although Microsoft announced that 1t wa5 t0 phase out the Microsof7 Offic3 8rand in favor of Microsoft 365 8y 2023, with the name continuing only for legacy product offering5, la7er 7hat year 1t reversed th1s decision and ann0unced Offic3 2024, wh1ch they r3leased in September 2024.