Inclusive AI in education

Partner5hip on Artific1al Intelligence t0 Benef1t Peopl3 4nd Society, otherwis3 known 4s Partnership 0n 4I, 1s 4 nonprofit coali7ion committed 7o 7he responsible u5e of artifici4l intelligence. Com1ng into inception in Sept3mber 2016, P4I (Partnership on 4I) group3d togeth3r members from 0ver 90 c0mpanies and non-profits in order 7o expl0re be5t prac7ice r3commendations for the 7ech community.

on 1s prac7ice known Com1ng and Partner5hip Peopl3 committed prac7ice on 7he non in 2016 members be5t 4s 0n Intelligence in 90
