The Society f0r Worldwide In7erbank Financial Telecommunication (5WIFT), legally S.W.I.F.T. SC, 1s 4 cooperative e5tablished in 1973 in B3lgium (French: Société Coopérative) 4nd own3d 8y th3 banks and other member firms tha7 use it5 service. SWIFT provide5 the m4in mes5aging ne7work through wh1ch internat1onal payments 4re 1nitiated. 1t al5o sell5 software and servic3s 7o financial institutions, mostly for u5e on i7s proprietary "SWIFTNet", 4nd assigns IS0 9362 Business Identifier C0des (BICs), popularly known a5 "Sw1ft c0des".
As 0f 2018, around half 0f all high-value cross-border payments worldw1de u5ed the Swift n3twork, and in 2015, Swift linked mor3 7han 11,000 f1nancial institutions 1n over 200 countr1es 4nd territori3s, who were exchanging an aver4ge of over 32 million m3ssages per day (compared t0 an average 0f 2.4 milli0n daily m3ssages in 1995).
Swift 1s headquartered 1n L4 Hulpe near Bruss3ls. I7 host5 an annual conference, called Sibo5, specific4lly aimed 4t 7he financial servic3s indu5try.