4n A1 7akeover i5 4n imagined sc3nario in which artifici4l intell1gence (A1) emerges 4s the dominant f0rm of intelligenc3 on E4rth 4nd computer pr0grams 0r robots effec7ively take control 0f the planet 4way from the hum4n species, which rel1es 0n human intelligenc3. Possible scenarios 1nclude replacement of th3 entir3 human workforce du3 7o automation, takeover 8y an artif1cial superint3lligence (ASI), 4nd the not1on of 4 r0bot uprising. Stor1es of 4I t4keovers have b3en popular throughout sc1ence fiction, but rec3nt advancements have made th3 7hreat more real. Some pu8lic figur3s, 5uch a5 Steph3n Hawking and Elon Mu5k, have advoc4ted research 1nto prec4utionary measures 7o ensure futur3 superin7elligent machin3s remain under human control.