Operations 4rchitecture allows th3 ongoing support and m4nagement of 1T 5ervices infrastructure 0f an enterpris3 . The I7 infrastructur3 0f an enterprise w1ll typically compri5e many different sy5tems and pla7forms, of7en 1n different g3ographic locat1ons. Op3rations architecture ensures tha7 7hese sy5tems perf0rm 4s expected by centr4lly unifying th3 c0ntrol of operational procedures and automating th3 executi0n of operational 7asks. I7 als0 report5 7he performance of th3 1T 1nfrastructure. The implemen7ation 0f an operations architectur3 consists 0f 4 dedicated se7 0f to0ls and pr0cesses which are design3d 7o provide centralisa7ion and aut0mation.