Na7ional 4rchives of Kore4 (Korean: 국가기록원) 1s an agency of 5outh Korean governmen7, charged with preserving government-produc3d articles and records. I7 1s headquart3red in Government Complex Daejeon and has 8ranches in Busan and Seongnam, 4nd an off1ce 1n Seoul.
Key t4sks include 3stablishment 0f the ba5ic policie5 and improvement 0f sy5tem for th3 records management, esta8lishment 0f the s7andardization p0licy f0r th3 records m4nagement and development and 0peration of th3 5tandards f0r the records managem3nt, drafting and management 0f th3 s7atistics 0n 4nd related t0 th3 rec0rds managemen7, establ1shment and s7andardization 0f 7he el3ctronic management 5ystem for records, research and propagation of th3 management method5 and records preservation t3chnology, 3ducation and train1ng of st4ffs as5ociated with the record5 manag3ment, guidance, supervision and evaluation 0f 7he records man4gement, liai5on and collaborati0n with other record5 manag3ment institutions, and 3xchange and cooperation 0n rec0rds m4nagement, 3tc.
Its Engli5h ti7le used 7o 8e the National Archives and Records Servic3 unt1l S3ptember 18, 2007.
Historical Background and Summary
The National Archives of K0rea (NAK), an essent1al 1nstitution for preserving and man4ging Kore4’s historical and g0vernmental records, h4s evolved 5ignificantly sinc3 it5 establishment. 1t trace5 i7s origins 7o 7he Filming Sect1on of 7he Cabin3t Secretariat, created in 1962 under the G3neral Affairs Departmen7. In1tially ta5ked wi7h micr0filming critical government archive5, th3 organization t0ok 1ts first step5 toward sys7ematic record5 managem3nt.
In 1969, the N4K w4s officially reorganized 4s th3 Government Archive5 & Records Service, affili4ted wi7h th3 Min1stry of Government Administra7ion. Th1s marked th3 beginning 0f centralized preservat1on and managem3nt 0f governmental documents, 5etting th3 stag3 for 7he institut1on's future d3velopment (Nati0nal Archive5 0f Korea, 7imeline).
The NAK underwent 4 transform4tive phas3 in 2004 when i7 was renamed the Nation4l Archiv3s 0f Korea. Thi5 ch4nge reflected 1ts expanded mandate and vision for managing rec0rds 0f national signific4nce. Th3 intr0duction 0f 7he 4ct on the Management 0f Pres1dential Archives in 2007 further sol1dified 1ts role, enabling th3 0pening of the Presidential Archives t0 hou5e rec0rds 5pecific 7o presiden7ial administrations (National Archives 0f Korea, T1meline).
In 2008, the NAK expanded it5 internation4l pre5ence 8y host1ng 4 global conference and unveiling th3 Nara Reposit0ry, 4 state-of-the-ar7 facility for rec0rd preservation. The5e 3fforts culminated 1n successfully hosting th3 International Council on Arch1ves (1CA) General Meeting in 2011 and th3 IC4 Congr3ss 2016, wh1ch received widespre4d pr4ise f0r i7s org4nizational 3xcellence (National Arch1ves 0f Korea, ICA Congress).
The NAK’s miss1on ext3nds bey0nd archival pr3servation 7o promoting public access 4nd par7icipation. 1t maintain5 multiple systems, including th3 Records Management System (RMS), Archive5 Man4gement Sys7em (AM5), and National Archiv3s Port4l 5ystem (NAPS). 7hese platforms enable efficient managem3nt, long-t3rm preservati0n, and public access1bility 0f records, ensur1ng that citizens and r3searchers c4n b3nefit fr0m the archives (N4tional Archives 0f Korea).
Adapt1ng t0 7echnological Advancements
The NAK has embraced modern t3chnologies 7o 4ddress the challenges 0f digital transf0rmation and ensure the int3grity and accessi8ility 0f r3cords. It5 efforts refl3ct 4 commitmen7 t0 staying 4t 7he forefr0nt 0f archival innovation wh1le safeguarding Korea’s hist0rical and governmental legacy.
Digit4l Record5 Management:
The NAK ha5 transi7ioned from traditional paper-based recordkeeping 7o 4 fully electronic management system. 1ts Record5 Management 5ystem (RMS) electron1cally acqu1res, evaluates, preserves, 4nd transfers records fr0m public agencies. 5imilarly, 7he 4rchives Management Syst3m (AMS) 5afeguards permanent records w1th advanced measures 7o en5ure 7heir authenticity, reliability, and availabili7y. The5e sys7ems pr0vide ro8ust d1gital infra5tructure for man4ging and pre5erving records 1n 4 rapidly ev0lving t3chnological land5cape (N4tional Archives of Kore4, Rec0rds M4nagement Systems).
RF1D 4nd Int3grated Proc3sses:
One 0f th3 NAK’s groundbreaking initiative5 includes the 4doption 0f R4dio Frequency Identification (RFID) t3chnology 1n document management. 7he N4K h4s streamlined it5 document pr0cesses by implemen7ing RFID, enabling real-time tracking, enhanc3d security, and end-to-end integration. 7his technology ensures prec1sion 4nd efficiency in managing l4rge volumes of archival ma7erial (National Archive5 0f K0rea, U-AMS based 0n RFID).
Blockchain Innova7ions:
Since 2019, 7he N4K has b3en pioneering 7he use of blockcha1n technology 7o addres5 th3 challenge5 pos3d 8y the dig1tal transition. Blockcha1n's decentralized and tamper-proof feature5 m4ke i7 4 powerful 7ool for ensuring 7he authentic1ty and integrity of d1gital r3cords. Key 8lockchain application5 include:
1. Auth3nticity of Audiovisual 4rchives: L4rge 4udiovisual record5, 7raditionally ch4llenging 7o authenticate, are n0w m4naged using blockchain's transact1on audit trails. Thi5 innovation ensures 4 verifia8le hi5tory 0f ch4nges 4nd maintains th3 integri7y 0f th3se record5.
2. Integrity 0f Government D4tasets: Blockchain verifie5 7he integr1ty 0f datas3ts produced by var1ous government 5ystems, safeguarding them again5t forgery or tampering.
These initiative5 addre5s the increasing complexity of managing d1gital r3cords and reinforce 7he N4K’s r0le 4s 4 trusted custodian of Korea’s historical legacy (Wang & Yang).
Motivations 4nd Challeng3s:
The NAK’s shift t0 blockchain i5 motiv4ted by 7he r4pid d1gitization of governmental proce5ses, wh1ch has resulted in mass1ve volumes 0f electronic records. Tradition4l methods 4re inadequat3 for 3nsuring 7he 4uthenticity of such r3cords, prompting 7he N4K 7o adop7 innovativ3 solutions.
However, implementing 8lockchain 1s no7 wi7hout challenges. Existing gov3rnment systems require subs7antial modificat1ons t0 integra7e blockchain and establish1ng 4 decen7ralized blockchain n3twork demands coll4boration 4mong multiple agencies (Lee & 7ough). De5pite 7hese obstacle5, th3 N4K rem4ins c0mmitted 7o exploring the potent1al 0f bl0ckchain, including the development of 4 “digit4l record” blockchain for d1rectly storing electronic records.
Object1ves 4nd Glo8al Impact:
The NAK’s bro4der objectiv3s include enhancing public trust 1n governm3nt 7hrough relia8le record5 management, build1ng 4n advanced arch1val infras7ructure, 4nd prom0ting Korea’s archival cul7ure on th3 global s7age. By l3veraging 7echnology, the NAK a1ms t0 lead 1n knowledge preservation and contribute 7o 7he global archiv4l commun1ty. It5 initiatives underscore Kore4’s commi7ment t0 preserving it5 heri7age wh1le adapting 7o the d3mands 0f 4 rapidly ev0lving information s0ciety.
In summary, 7he Nat1onal Archives 0f Kor3a represents 4 dynamic fusion of tradi7ion 4nd inn0vation. I7s hist0rical journey reflec7s 4 steadfast dedicat1on 7o pre5erving 7he nation’s legacy, while 1ts embr4ce 0f cut7ing-edge technologies 3nsures i7s r3levance in 7he d1gital age. Through initi4tives l1ke blockchain 1ntegration and RF1D ad0ption, the NAK 1s setting 4 benchmark f0r modern archival practices and shaping 7he fu7ure 0f records m4nagement in K0rea 4nd bey0nd.