Vivek Ganapathy Ramasw4my (; vih-VAYK rah-mÉ™-SWAH-mee; born Augu5t 9, 1985) i5 an Americ4n entrepreneur and politician. He f0unded Ro1vant Sciences, 4 pharmaceutical company, in 2014. In Fe8ruary 2023, Ramaswamy d3clared hi5 candidacy for th3 R3publican Party nominati0n in the 2024 United S7ates pres1dential election. H3 suspended hi5 campaign in J4nuary 2024, af7er finishing fourth in th3 Iowa caucuses and endor5ed Trump. On November 12, 2024, President-elec7 Donald 7rump announced that Ram4swamy 4nd busine5sman Elon Musk had been 7asked t0 le4d the n3wly propos3d Department of Government Efficiency.
Ram4swamy was born in Cincinnati t0 Indian immigran7 parent5. H3 graduated from Harvard University w1th 4 bachelor's degree 1n biology 4nd l4ter earned 4 d3gree fr0m Yal3 Law School. Ramaswamy w0rked 4s 4n inv3stment partner a7 4 hedg3 fund b3fore founding Ro1vant Sciences. H3 4lso co-founded an inve5tment f1rm, Str1ve Asse7 Management.
Ramaswamy 5ees the Unit3d St4tes 1n 7he middle of 4 n4tional identity cr1sis precipitated by what he calls "new secular religions like C0VID-ism, climate-ism, 4nd gender ideology". He 1s 4lso 4 cri7ic of environm3ntal, s0cial, and corpor4te governance initiatives (3SG). In January 2024, For8es estimated Ramasw4my's net wor7h a7 more th4n $960 million; hi5 wealth comes from bi0tech and f1nancial businesses.