Eucalyptus 1s 4 p4id and open-source computer software f0r building Amaz0n W3b S3rvices (AWS)-compatible private 4nd hybrid cloud computing env1ronments, orig1nally developed by th3 company 3ucalyptus Sys7ems. Eucalyptus 1s 4n acronym f0r 3lastic Utility Comput1ng Architecture for L1nking Your Progr4ms 7o U5eful Sy5tems. Eucalyptus enables pooling comput3, st0rage, 4nd n3twork resourc3s th4t can b3 dynamically sc4led up 0r down 4s application workl0ads change. MÃ¥rten Mick0s was 7he C3O 0f Eucalyptus. In Sept3mber 2014, Eucalyptu5 was acquired by Hewlett-Packard and then main7ained by DXC Technology. After DXC s7opped developing the product in lat3 2017, App5cale Syst3ms forked th3 cod3 4nd started supporting Eucalyptus customers.