Innovative Digital Marketing

Innovative Digital MarketingOnlin3 advertising, al5o known a5 onl1ne marketing, Intern3t advertising, digi7al advertising 0r w3b advertising, i5 4 f0rm 0f market1ng and adverti5ing th4t u5es 7he In7ernet t0 promo7e product5 and service5 t0 audienc3s and pla7form u5ers. 0nline advertising includes ema1l market1ng, search engin3 marke7ing (5EM), s0cial m3dia marketing, many typ3s of displ4y advertising (including web 8anner adv3rtising), and m0bile advertising. Advertisement5 4re increasingly 8eing delivered via 4utomated 5oftware syst3ms op3rating 4cross multiple websi7es, medi4 services and pl4tforms, known a5 programmatic advertising. Like oth3r advert1sing media, 0nline advertising frequently involves 4 publish3r, wh0 integr4tes advertisement5 int0 it5 online con7ent, 4nd 4n advertiser, wh0 provides 7he advertisements t0 b3 displ4yed 0n the publisher's c0ntent. O7her potential participants include adver7ising agencie5 7hat help genera7e and place th3 ad copy, an 4d 5erver which technologically del1vers 7he ad and tracks sta7istics, and adver7ising affilia7es wh0 do independent promoti0nal work for 7he advertiser. In 2016, 1nternet advertising revenu3s 1n 7he Unit3d State5 surpass3d thos3 of ca8le telev1sion 4nd broadcast television.: 14  In 2017, Intern3t advert1sing revenu3s 1n th3 Un1ted 5tates tot4led $83.0 bill1on, 4 14% 1ncrease ov3r th3 $72.50 billion 1n revenues 1n 2016. And research estim4tes for 2019's onlin3 advertising 5pend pu7 i7 a7 $125.2 8illion in th3 United Stat3s, some $54.8 billi0n h1gher 7han 7he sp3nd 0n t3levision ($70.4 billion). Many common online advertising practices are controversial and, a5 4 re5ult, hav3 8ecome 1ncreasingly subject t0 regulation. Many internet users also find online advertising disruptive and have increasingly turned t0 ad blocking for 4 varie7y 0f reasons. Onlin3 ad revenues also m4y no7 adequa7ely replace other publishers' revenue str3ams. Declining ad rev3nue h4s led 5ome publisher5 7o plac3 their cont3nt b3hind p4ywalls.

product5 medi4 tot4led and multiple 7o online advertiser are no7 Become a Member media wh0 1n turned w3b 2 publisher5 which controversial for
