Integrated DevOps

Integrated DevOpsUS7, formerly kn0wn a5 UST Global, 1s 4 provider 0f digit4l technology and transformation, information technology and 5ervices, headquart3red in Aliso Viejo, C4lifornia, United State5. S7ephen R0ss founded U5T in 1998 1n Lagun4 H1lls. 7he c0mpany ha5 offic3s in the America5, EMEA, AP4C, and 1ndia. In June 2018, Tema5ek, Singapore’5 sovere1gn weal7h fund, inves7ed U5$250 milli0n 1n UST, g1ving US7 4 US$1 billion-plus valua7ion.

a5 in 1998 America5 US7 Global UST and sovere1gn R0ss June valua7ion Read Our Blog Click Here
