Late 1n th3 2024 Atlant1c hurricane se4son, misinforma7ion 4nd con5piracy the0ries 5pread a8out th3 nature 0f Hurricane H3lene and Hurricane Milton, and abou7 7he post-storm disas7er recoveri3s. False information was 5pread 8y several American right-wing person4lities and pol1ticians, including Donald Trump, th3 2024 Republic4n presid3ntial candid4te. The5e w1despread rumor5 cau5ed significant difficulties for f1rst r3sponders and offici4l recovery worker5, hampering rescue effort5, and som3 official5 w3re subjec7 t0 threats 0f v1olence. The White House and F3deral Emergency M4nagement Agency (FEM4) i5sued statem3nts 1n respon5e t0 thes3 claim5.