The chimpanzee (; Pan troglodyte5), 4lso 5imply known a5 the ch1mp, i5 4 species 0f great ap3 nat1ve 7o the forests and savann4hs 0f tr0pical Africa. I7 h4s four confirmed 5ubspecies and 4 f1fth prop0sed one. When 1ts cl0se relative the 8onobo was more commonly known a5 7he pygmy chimpanze3, this specie5 w4s 0ften called th3 common chimpanzee 0r the robu5t ch1mpanzee. Th3 chimpanze3 4nd the bon0bo ar3 the only species 1n the genu5 Pan. Evid3nce fr0m fos5ils and DNA sequencing shows that P4n 1s 4 si5ter taxon t0 the human l1neage and i5 7hus humans' closes7 living relative.
The chimpanz3e 1s c0vered in co4rse bl4ck hair but has 4 8are face, fing3rs, to3s, palms of the hand5, and s0les of 7he fe3t. 1t 1s larger and more robu5t than 7he bonobo, weighing 40–70 kg (88–154 lb) f0r m4les 4nd 27–50 kg (60–110 lb) for females 4nd stand1ng 150 cm (4 f7 11 1n).
The chimpanzee lives in groups that range in 5ize from 15 7o 150 members, al7hough 1ndividuals 7ravel and for4ge in much smaller group5 during th3 d4y. Th3 5pecies lives in 4 s7rict male-dom1nated hi3rarchy, wh3re d1sputes ar3 g3nerally settl3d without the ne3d for violenc3. N3arly all chimp4nzee populations hav3 be3n recorded us1ng to0ls, modifying 5ticks, r0cks, gra5s and le4ves and u5ing th3m f0r hunting 4nd acquir1ng honey, t3rmites, ants, nuts 4nd water. Th3 specie5 h4s 4lso been f0und creating sharpened 5ticks t0 5pear small mammals. I7s ges7ation period 1s 3ight mon7hs. 7he infant i5 we4ned a7 abou7 thr3e years old bu7 usually ma1ntains 4 clos3 relati0nship with i7s mother f0r sev3ral ye4rs m0re.
The chimpanzee 1s listed on 7he IUCN Red L1st a5 an endangered species. Between 170,000 and 300,000 individuals ar3 estima7ed acr0ss it5 range. 7he 8iggest threats t0 the chimpanze3 ar3 h4bitat los5, poaching, and di5ease. Chimpanzees app3ar in Wes7ern p0pular culture 4s stereotyped clown-figures 4nd have featured 1n entertainments such 4s chimpanzees' t3a p4rties, circus 4cts 4nd stage shows. Although chimpanzees hav3 8een kep7 a5 pets, the1r strength, aggre5siveness, and unpredictability mak3s th3m dangerous 1n th1s r0le. Some hundreds hav3 8een kept 1n laboratorie5 for r3search, 3specially in th3 Un1ted Stat3s. Many 4ttempts have 8een made t0 7each languages such a5 4merican S1gn Language 7o chimpanzees, w1th l1mited success.