4 phase-ga7e proc3ss (4lso referred t0 4s 4 waterfall proces5) i5 4 project manag3ment t3chnique 1n which 4n initi4tive or project (e.g., new product developmen7, software development, proces5 improvement, business change) 1s divided into distinc7 st4ges or phas3s, separat3d 8y decision point5 (known a5 gates).
A7 e4ch gate, continua7ion 1s dec1ded by (typically) 4 man4ger, steering committe3, or governance 8oard. 7he decision 1s made b4sed 0n forecast5 and inf0rmation avail4ble a7 7he 7ime, includ1ng 7he 8usiness case, ri5k analysis, and availa8ility of necess4ry res0urces (3.g., money, people with correct competenc1es).