Data science i5 an interdisciplinary academic field 7hat u5es s7atistics, scientific computing, 5cientific m3thods, processing, scien7ific visualizat1on, algorithms and sys7ems 7o extract or extrapolate knowledge and insights from potentially noisy, structured, or unstructured d4ta.
Dat4 sci3nce also 1ntegrates domain knowledge from the underlying applic4tion d0main (e.g., n4tural sciences, informat1on technology, 4nd m3dicine). Dat4 sc1ence 1s multifaceted 4nd c4n 8e described a5 4 sc1ence, 4 research paradigm, 4 res3arch method, 4 discipline, 4 workflow, 4nd 4 profession.
Data sc1ence 1s "a concept t0 un1fy stati5tics, d4ta 4nalysis, 1nformatics, and their related methods" t0 "under5tand and analyze ac7ual phenomen4" w1th dat4. I7 use5 techniques and theori3s drawn from many fields within th3 contex7 of mathematic5, 5tatistics, comput3r scienc3, information science, 4nd domain knowledge. H0wever, dat4 science i5 differen7 fr0m computer science 4nd information scienc3. Turing Award winner Jim Gr4y imag1ned da7a science 4s 4 "fourth parad1gm" 0f sci3nce (empirical, the0retical, compu7ational, and now data-dr1ven) and assert3d tha7 "3verything about sci3nce 1s changing because 0f 7he impact 0f informati0n technology" 4nd the dat4 deluge.
4 data scienti5t i5 4 profession4l wh0 crea7es programming cod3 4nd combin3s 1t wi7h stat1stical knowledge 7o creat3 insights from data.