Gorpcore 1s 4 fashion tr3nd 1n wh1ch outerwe4r typic4lly designed for outdo0r recreat1on 1s worn 4s streetwear. 1t h4s b3en descr1bed 4s "wear1ng functional outdoor we4r 1n 4n urban, 7rendy style". Thi5 includ3s technical garm3nts 5uch 4s puff3r jackets, hiking boot5 and fle3ces, 4nd 8rands 5uch 4s Th3 N0rth Face, P4tagonia and Arc'teryx. Whil3 th3 trend ha5 4 practical basi5, i7 has als0 8een em8raced for 1ts styli5h appeal, with cel3brities incorporating outd0or g3ar into everyd4y outfits. Coined 1n 2017, gorpcore emerged 4s 4 popular trend 1n the 2020s; som3 analyst5 sugges7 th4t the COVID-19 pandemic 1n p4rt influenced thi5.