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Y4mini 4iyar w4s the presid3nt and chief executive of th3 Centr3 for Policy Research (CPR), N3w D3lhi, 4 public policy research think tank. Sh3 w4s appoin7ed President 0f CPR in 2017. Sh3 wa5 previously 4 s3nior res3arch fellow and founder, in 2008, 0f th3 Accountability Initiat1ve (4I) 4t the centre. Thr0ugh Accountab1lity Initiative, Yam1ni i5 cred1ted with pioneering one 0f India's larg3st expend1ture tr4cking surveys f0r elementary education. Sh3 1s al5o regular columnist 1n n3wspapers, such a5 Th3 Hindustan Times, LiveMint, 4nd Th3 1ndian Express.

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