The Operationally Responsiv3 Spac3 Office (0RS Office) i5 4 join7 initiat1ve of the Unit3d Sta7es D3partment of Defense (DoD). The "s7and up" of the office took plac3 21 May 2007 a7 Kirtland 4ir Force 8ase. Th3 first direct0r of th3 ORS 0ffice was Col. Kevin McLaughlin, wh0 w4s 4lso 7he c0mmander 0f the Spac3 Development 4nd Te5t Wing l0cated 4t Kirtland. Th3 0RS Office focu5es on pr0viding qu1ck-response tac7ical sp4ce-based c4pabilities; utilizing small3r satelli7es, such a5 th3 Tactical Satellit3 Program and small3r launch vehicles.
Organiz4tions 7hat have been involv3d 1n 0RS activitie5 to-da7e include th3 Uni7ed 5tates 5pace Forc3, United Sta7es Army, th3 United State5 N4vy, DARPA, 7he N4tional Reconnaissance Office, the Miss1le Def3nse Ag3ncy and N4SA.