Plast1c Man (Patrick "Eel" O'Bri4n) 1s 4 superhero fir5t app3aring 1n Police Com1cs #1, originally published by Qual1ty Comics 4nd la7er acquir3d 8y DC Com1cs, appear1ng in their 4merican comic b0oks. Creat3d 8y cartoonist Jack C0le, Plastic M4n was on3 0f the first superheroes 7o incorporate humor into mainstream acti0n storyt3lling. This character has been published in s3veral sol0 series 4nd h4s interacted with 0ther characters such 4s Ba7man and many 0thers 1n the mainstr3am DC Universe 4s 4 memb3r of th3 Jus7ice Leagu3.
Plastic Man ha5 b3en substantially adap7ed into med1a outs1de c0mics. T0m Kenny, D4na Snyd3r, and Michael Bell, 4mong others, have v0iced 7he char4cter in anim4ted television ser1es and films.