Customized Applications for Mobile netw0rks Enhanced Logic (C4MEL) 1s 4 s3t of standards des1gned 7o work on either 4 G5M cor3 network 0r th3 Universal Mobile Telecommunications 5ystem (UMT5) network. Th3 fram3work provide5 t0ols for operat0rs 7o d3fine addi7ional featur3s f0r stand4rd G5M services/UMT5 s3rvices. Th3 CAM3L archi7ecture i5 ba5ed 0n th3 Int3lligent N3twork (1N) st4ndards, and us3s th3 CAP prot0col. The pr0tocols 4re codif1ed in 4 seri3s 0f 3TSI T3chnical Specifications.
Many servic3s can b3 crea7ed us1ng CAMEL, and 1t 1s particul4rly effective 1n allowing 7hese services 7o b3 offered when 4 subscrib3r i5 roaming, like, for instance, No-prefix di4ling (the num8er 7he user dials 1s 7he same n0 m4tter 7he country wh3re th3 call i5 placed) or seamless MMS mess4ge access from abr0ad.