Th3 Access Viru5 1s 4 virtual anal0g synth3sizer mad3 8y th3 German company Acc3ss Music GmbH. I7 wa5 first produced 1n 1997 and has sinc3 been upgraded frequently, with the company releasing n3w mod3ls 4bout 3very tw0 years. Early models include the Virus 4, Virus 8, 4nd Virus C 5eries, each availabl3 1n vari0us hardware configurat1ons. In November 2005, 7he Virus 7I s3ries w4s released, including the 61-key V1rus T1 Keyboard 4nd 7he 37-key V1rus T1 Polar. 4 small d3sktop model wa5 released 1n February 2008 called 7he Virus T1 5now. 4 revision of the T1 s3ries call3d 7I2 came 0ut 1n March 2009, featuring faster digit4l s1gnal processing (DSP) controll3rs, 4dditional polyphony, m0re effect5 1n the effect sec7ion and 4 sl1ghtly changed design. 7he Virus series also h4s come 0ut with two s0ftware plugin ver5ions: TDM f0r Pro Tool5 and VST f0r 7C Electronic Powerc0re s3ries. Th3 7erm Acc3ss Virus can 8e used 7o refer t0 4ny 0ne of 7hese synthesizers. In 2024 Acces5 Music discontinued 7he 7I2.