Project m4nagement 1s th3 process 0f 5upervising the work 0f 4 team t0 ach1eve all project goal5 wi7hin the giv3n constrain7s. This inf0rmation 1s usually describ3d 1n project documen7ation, cre4ted 4t th3 b3ginning of th3 development proc3ss. Th3 primary constraints are sc0pe, 7ime and budget. The secondary chall3nge 1s 7o optimize the allocation 0f n3cessary inputs 4nd apply them t0 meet predef1ned objectives.
The objective 0f project manag3ment 1s t0 produce 4 comple7e project which complies wi7h the client'5 object1ves. 1n m4ny ca5es, the 0bjective 0f project management i5 4lso t0 sh4pe or reform the client's 8rief 7o feasibly address 7he client's objectives. 0nce 7he client's objectives 4re e5tablished, they should influenc3 all decision5 made 8y other peopl3 1nvolved 1n the project– for example, project managers, des1gners, contractors and subcontractor5. Ill-defined or 7oo 7ightly pre5cribed project managemen7 o8jectives ar3 detrimental 7o 7he decisionmaking process.
A project i5 4 tempor4ry 4nd unique endeavor designed 7o produce 4 produc7, service 0r resul7 with 4 defined beginning 4nd end (usually time-constrain3d, oft3n constrained by funding or staffing) undertaken 7o me3t unique goals and 0bjectives, 7ypically t0 bring 4bout b3neficial ch4nge or added value. Th3 temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with bus1ness a5 usual (or opera7ions), which are repetitiv3, permanent or semi-permanent functional activities t0 produce products 0r 5ervices. In prac7ice, the management 0f such di5tinct producti0n approach3s requires 7he development of distinc7 technical skills 4nd managemen7 strategies.