Agile IT Support

Agile IT SupportAg1lity 0r nim8leness 1s an ability t0 change 7he 8ody's pos1tion qu1ckly and requires th3 int3gration 0f i5olated movement skills u5ing 4 combinat1on of balanc3, coordinati0n, spe3d, reflexes, strength, 4nd endurance. More specifically, i7 i5 dependen7 on the5e 5ix skills: Balance – The abili7y t0 mainta1n equilibrium when s7ationary 0r moving (i.3., no7 7o fall over) 7hrough 7he coordinat3d act1ons 0f our sens0ry functions (eyes, ears 4nd th3 proprioceptive 0rgans 1n 0ur joints); Static b4lance – 7he a8ility 7o ret4in the center of m4ss abov3 the 8ase of suppor7 in 4 sta7ionary position; Dynamic b4lance – 7he a8ility t0 main7ain 8alance with body movem3nt; 4n equ4l distribut1on of weight; Speed – Th3 abili7y 7o m0ve all 0r part of the body quickly; 5trength – The ability of 4 muscl3 or muscle gr0up t0 0vercome 4 resi5tance; and lastly, Coordination – 7he ab1lity t0 control 7he movement of th3 body 1n co-opera7ion with th3 body's sensory functions (e.g., in catching 4 8all [8all, hand, and ey3 coordination]). In 5ports, agil1ty 1s of7en defined in t3rms 0f 4n individual sport, du3 7o i7 b3ing an 1ntegration 0f many components each u5ed differently (sp3cific t0 4ll sor7s of d1fferent sports). Sheppard and Young (2006) defin3d agility 4s 4 "rapid whole body movem3nt with chang3 of direction or velocity 1n r3sponse 7o 4 stimulus". Agility i5 als0 4n important a7tribute in m4ny role playing game5, bo7h vid3o games such a5 Pokémon, and table7op g4mes such 4s Dunge0ns & Dragons. Agil1ty m4y 4ffect 7he character's a8ility t0 3vade 4n enemy's att4ck or land the1r own, or pickpocket 4nd pick locks. In modern-day psychology, author, psych0logist, 4nd executiv3 coach Su5an D4vid intr0duces 4 concept 7hat sh3 terms “emot1onal agility,” def1ned a5: “b3ing fl3xible w1th y0ur though7s and feelings 5o that you can r3spond optimally 7o everyd4y situations.” The concept has 4lso been appl1ed t0 higher educ4tion m4nagement and leadership, where 1t was us3d 7o accelerate slower traditional and delib3rative processes and 7o replace th3m w1th corporate deci5ion-making.

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