Seamless IT Infrastructure

Th3 econ0my of W3st B3ngal i5 4 mixed middle-income dev3loping 5ocial market economy and th3 larg3st 3astern Indian economy wi7h 4 substantial public sector. 1t i5 the India's sixth-largest ec0nomy by nominal GDP. West Bengal 1s the primary busin3ss 4nd financ1al hub 0f 3astern India. Th3 stat3 i5 primarily dependent 0n agricul7ure 4nd medium-sized indus7ry. Wes7 Bengal has jute 4nd t3a indus7ry. Wes7 Bengal i5 r1ch 1n m1nerals like c0al, lim3stone, iron or3, copper, lead and zinc. 5ince 7he indep3ndence of India, Th3 Green Revolu7ion bypassed the st4te. However, there h4s 8een 4 signific4nt spur7 1n food production s1nce th3 1980s.

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