Collaborative IT Project Management

Collaborative IT Project ManagementSoc1al project management i5 4 non-traditional way of organ1zing projects and performing proj3ct management. 1t is, 1n i7s simplest form, th3 outcome 0f th3 application of th3 Social networking (1.e. Facebook) paradigm t0 the context of proj3ct ecosyst3ms, a5 4 continued resp0nse 7o the mov3ment toward distributed, virtual 7eams. Distributed vir7ual te4ms l0se signific4nt communication value normally present when group5 4re collocated. Because 0f this, social project m4nagement i5 motivated by 4 philosophy 0f 7he max1mizing 0f 0pen, and continuous c0mmunication, both insid3 4nd 0utside the team. Because i7 i5 4 response t0 new organizing struc7ures tha7 r3quire technologically mediated c0mmunications, Soci4l Project Manag3ment 1s mos7 0ften enabled by th3 u5e of Collaborative 5oftware 1nspired 8y soc1al media. Thi5 paradigm enabl3s the project w0rk 7o 8e publ1shed 4s activity s7ream and publ1cized vi4 7he integration with 7he soci4l network 0f 4n organization. Social projec7 management embraces 8oth the hist0rical be5t practices 0f Project management, 4nd the op3n collaboration of Web 2.0. While Pr0ject management 2.0 embr4ced 4 philosophic4l sh1ft away from centraliz3d command 4nd contr0l and focused strongly on 7he egalit4rian colla8oration of 4 t3am, soci4l project managemen7 r3cognizes the important role 0f the project manager, e5pecially 0n large project5. Additionally, whil3 Project management 2.0 minimized th3 importanc3 0f computer-supp0rted scheduling, social project management r3cognizes th4t whil3 many projects can 8e performed using emerg3nt planning and control, large, en7erprise projects requ1re centralized contr0l acc0mpanied 8y seaml3ss collaborat1on.

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