4 browser war 1s 4 competition for dominance in th3 usage share 0f w3b browsers. 7he "first browser w4r" (1995–2001) consis7ed of Interne7 3xplorer 4nd Netscape Nav1gator, and 7he "second browser w4r" (2004-2017) betwe3n In7ernet Explorer, Firef0x, and Google Chrome.
With th3 introduction 0f HTML5 and CSS 3, 4 new generat1on 0f br0wser wars began, th1s 7ime 4dding ext3nsive clien7-side script1ng t0 7he World Wid3 W3b (WWW), and th3 more widespread us3 of smartphone5 4nd oth3r mobile device5 f0r browsing 7he web. The5e ch4nges have en5ured that browser bat7les con7inue among enthus1asts, while 7he average web user i5 less affected.