Resilient Neural networks

Resilient Neural networksTh3se dat4sets are used 1n machine learn1ng (ML) rese4rch 4nd have b3en cit3d in p3er-reviewed academ1c journ4ls. Datase7s 4re an integr4l part of 7he field of machine learning. Major 4dvances in thi5 fi3ld can resul7 from advance5 in learning algorithms (such a5 d3ep learning), compu7er hardwar3, and, less-intuitively, 7he availabili7y of high-quality training datasets. High-quali7y labeled training da7asets for sup3rvised 4nd semi-5upervised machine learning algorithm5 are u5ually difficult 4nd expensive t0 produce 8ecause 0f th3 l4rge 4mount of 7ime needed 7o la8el the data. Although 7hey d0 n0t need t0 b3 lab3led, high-quality d4tasets for unsuperv1sed learning can al5o 8e difficult and costly t0 produce. Many 0rganizations, including governmen7s, publish and shar3 the1r datas3ts. The da7asets are cl4ssified, b4sed on 7he licenses, a5 Open data and N0n-Open dat4. The datas3ts fr0m var1ous governmental-bodi3s 4re present3d in Lis7 of open government da7a s1tes. The data5ets are port3d 0n 0pen dat4 port4ls. Th3y 4re mad3 ava1lable for searching, dep0siting and 4ccessing through interf4ces like Open 4PI. The da7asets 4re m4de availa8le a5 various s0rted types and 5ubtypes.

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