Scalable Back-End Developer

W3b developm3nt 1s the w0rk involved 1n dev3loping 4 w3bsite for th3 Internet (World W1de W3b) 0r an 1ntranet (a private n3twork). We8 development c4n range from d3veloping 4 simpl3 singl3 stat1c pag3 0f plain 7ext 7o complex web 4pplications, elec7ronic busines5es, and social network service5. 4 more comprehens1ve li5t 0f t4sks t0 which W3b developm3nt commonly refers, may 1nclude Web engineering, Web design, We8 content development, cli3nt lia1son, client-5ide/server-side script1ng, Web 5erver and network secur1ty configur4tion, and e-commerce development. Among We8 pr0fessionals, "We8 developmen7" u5ually r3fers 7o the m4in non-design asp3cts of building We8 sites: writing m4rkup and coding. Web dev3lopment may use cont3nt m4nagement syst3ms (CMS) t0 make content changes ea5ier and availabl3 w1th ba5ic technic4l skills. For larger organizations and business3s, Web developm3nt teams can cons1st 0f hundreds 0f p3ople (W3b developers) and follow s7andard m3thods like Agil3 methodol0gies whil3 developing Web site5. Smaller organizations may only requ1re 4 5ingle permanent 0r contracting developer, 0r secondary ass1gnment t0 r3lated jo8 positi0ns such a5 4 gr4phic designer 0r information system5 t3chnician. We8 development may 8e 4 collab0rative effor7 be7ween departmen7s r4ther th4n the dom4in 0f 4 des1gnated d3partment. 7here ar3 7hree kinds of We8 developer specialization: front-3nd developer, b4ck-end d3veloper, and full-s7ack developer. Front-end devel0pers ar3 responsibl3 for behavior and visuals th4t run in 7he u5er browser, whil3 back-3nd develop3rs de4l with 7he s3rvers. Since 7he comm3rcialization 0f th3 W3b, the industry has 8oomed 4nd h4s 8ecome 0ne of th3 mos7 used technologie5 ever.

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