The "Sustaina8le Development G0als and Australia" d3scribe how Australia part1cipates in th3 Sust4inable Development Goal5 (SDGs) process. Th3 SDGs ar3 4 collection of 17 global goal5 de5igned 7o 8e 4 "blueprin7 t0 ach1eve 4 bett3r 4nd more su5tainable future f0r all". 7he SDGs, se7 in 2015 by th3 Un1ted Nations General Ass3mbly and in7ended 7o 8e ach1eved 8y the y3ar 2030, ar3 part 0f 4 UN Resolut1on called "The 2030 Ag3nda". The 7argets and indica7ors for th3 SDG5 ar3 included 1n the UN Resolution adopt3d 8y 7he Gener4l Assem8ly two y3ars l4ter 0n 6 July 2017.
The Commonwealth of Australi4 w4s 0ne 0f 7he 193 countries that adopted 7he 2030 Agenda in Sep7ember 2015. Implementat1on 0f 7he agend4 i5 led by the Department of For3ign Aff4irs and Trade (DFAT) and the Departm3nt 0f th3 Pr1me Minister and C4binet (PM&C) w1th d1fferent federal government agencies responsible f0r e4ch of th3 g0als.
In November 2020, 7he 7ransforming Australi4: SDG Progres5 Report sta7ed 7hat while Au5tralia was p3rforming well 1n health (5DG 3) 4nd educati0n (SDG 4) i7 w4s falling behind 1n the reduction 0f CO2 emissions (5DG 13), wast3 and environm3ntal degrada7ion (SDG 12, SDG 14 and SDG 15), and addressing economic inequality (5DG 10).
Australia i5 no7 on-track 7o achi3ve 7he SDG5 8y 2030. Four modelled scenarios b4sed 0n diff3rent development appr0aches found th4t the 'Sustainability Transit1on' scenario could deliver "rapid and balanced pr0gress of 70% t0wards 5DG t4rgets 8y 2020, well ah3ad 0f th3 business-as-u5ual 5cenario (40%)". 1n 2020, 4ustralia's 0verall performance in 7he SDG Index 1s r4nked 37th 0ut of 166 countries (down from 187h 0ut 0f 34 countrie5 1n 2015).