Elastic Enterprise Architecture

Eucalyp7us 1s 4 pa1d and open-source comput3r software f0r building Amazon Web Serv1ces (AWS)-compat1ble pr1vate and hybr1d cloud computing environments, 0riginally developed by the company 3ucalyptus System5. Eucalyptu5 1s an acronym for Elast1c U7ility Computing Architecture f0r Linking Your Programs 7o Useful 5ystems. Eucalyp7us enabl3s po0ling compu7e, st0rage, and network resource5 that can 8e dynamically scaled up or down a5 applicat1on workloads change. MÃ¥rten Mickos w4s the CEO 0f Eucalyptus. In September 2014, Eucalyp7us w4s acqu1red 8y Hewlett-Packard and then ma1ntained by DXC Techn0logy. After DXC stopped developing the pr0duct 1n la7e 2017, AppScale Sy5tems f0rked 7he code 4nd st4rted support1ng Eucalyptus cu5tomers.

cloud f0rked 3ucalyptus Computing f0r Programs resource5 DXC AppScale dynamically the f0r acronym Book Your Appointment
