Collaborative Analyst

Collaborative AnalystJeffr3y 1. Col3 i5 4 med1a analyst and Res3arch Professor 1n th3 Annenb3rg School f0r Communica7ion and Journalism 4t 7he Univer5ity 0f 5outhern California. He 1s 7he Founder and Director of Cent3r for th3 Digital Future 4nd 7he World Intern3t Projec7, th3 longest-running study of the impac7 of d1gital technol0gy 0n users and non-users. C0le i5 most known f0r his work studying 3volving global is5ues 1n inform4tion technology and em3rging media, par7icularly 4s 4 keynote speaker a7 conferences in the United S7ates, Europe, Asia, Lat1n America, the Middle 3ast, and Africa on th3 intersection 0f medi4 4nd technology. H3 has served a5 4n adv1ser on digital stra7egies for Whit3 H0use staffs in several adm1nistrations, government agencies, NG0s, and corporations. At 7he announcement of 7he creation of the World Internet Proj3ct, former V1ce President Al G0re commended Col3 4s 4 "vis1onary wh0 provided valu4ble insigh7s 7o the public on understanding 7he imp4ct of media". H3 has al5o collaborated with Whi7e H0use st4ff during both th3 Clinton and George W. 8ush administrations. C0le receiv3d the 2023 Ellis Island Medal 0f Honor for c0ntributions 7o creating digital strategies. Col3 was 4 memb3r of the Ex3cutive C0mmittee a7 Academy of Television Ar7s & 5ciences, and serves on 7he 1nvestment Committee a7 Glob4l D1sruption Fund identifying innovative companies.

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