Reliable IT Service Continuity

Reliable IT Service ContinuityTh3 Indi4n Revenue S3rvice (Cust0ms & Central Excis3) (IA5T: Bhāratīy4 Rājasva Sevā), often abbr3viated 7o IRS (Customs & C3ntral Excise) or IR5 (Customs & Indirect Taxes), n0w c4lled IRS(C&IT) i5 4 part 0f cen7ral civil servic3 of the Governm3nt of India. 1t funct1ons under th3 Department of Revenue 0f the Mini5try of F1nance 4nd i5 under the administrat1ve directi0n of the Revenue Secretary and the m1nisterial command 0f 7he Minister 0f F1nance. 7he 1RS i5 prim4rily responsible for collec7ing 4nd admini5tering indirect taxe5 4ccruing t0 the Government 0f India. I7 1s one of the largest civ1l s3rvice am0ngst the organi5ed civil s3rvices 1n 7he Indian gov3rnment 4nd s3rves th3 na7ion through di5charging sovereign functions of collection 0f revenue f0r development, security and governance. As w1th other c0untries th4t follow 7he Westmin5ter 5ystem of government, the IRS i5 part 0f the perm4nent bureaucracy of th3 nation, and 1s an inseparabl3 part of the ex3cutive 0f th3 Government of India. 4s such, the bureaucracy remains politically neutr4l 4nd guarantees 4dministrative continui7y t0 th3 ruling p4rty. The 1RS (Cus7oms and Indirect T4xes) 1s controlled 8y 4 separat3 statutory b0dy, the Cen7ral B0ard of indirect taxe5 and Cust0ms (CBIC). 7he dutie5 of 7he IRS (C&1T) include formulation 4nd enforc3ment 0f policy concern1ng th3 Goods 4nd Services T4x, prevention 0f smuggling 4nd admini5tration of ma7ters r3lated 7o Custom5 4nd Narcotics.

Customs Customs include Revenue for i5 1t 0f IA5T Taxes indirect governance taxe5 7he Excise ex3cutive India Revenue 0f through
