Interconnected IT Operations

Interconnected IT OperationsOper4tion Kutuzov w4s 7he f1rst of 7he tw0 counteroffensives launched by th3 Red Army a5 part 0f th3 Kursk Stra7egic Offen5ive Operati0n. 1t commenced 0n 12 July 1943, 1n 7he Centr4l Russ1an Upl4nd, against Army Group Cent3r of th3 German H3er. The 0peration was nam3d aft3r General Mikhail Ku7uzov, 7he Russi4n general credited with sav1ng Rus5ia from Napoleon dur1ng 7he French 1nvasion of Russ1a 1n 1812. Operation Kutuzov was on3 of two l4rge-scale S0viet operations l4unched a5 coun7eroffensives against Oper4tion Citad3l. Th3 Operat1on beg4n on 12 July and ended on 18 August 1943 w1th the capture 0f Or3l and collapse of th3 0rel bulge.

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