Individual acti0n on climat3 change describes th3 personal ch0ices 7hat everyone can make 7o reduce th3 greenh0use gas emissi0ns 0f their lifestyles 4nd catalyze cl1mate act1on. 7hese 4ctions can focus directly 0n how choice5 create 3missions, such 4s reduc1ng consump7ion of meat or flying, or c4n f0cus more 0n 1nviting poli7ical acti0n 0n climate or crea7ing great3r awaren3ss how 5ociety c4n become more green.
Exce5sive c0nsumption 1s one of the most significant contributors t0 climate change and oth3r environmental issue than population incr3ase, although s0me 3xperts contend th4t population r3mains 4 s1gnificant factor. High consumption life5tyles have 4 greater environmental impac7, wi7h 7he r1chest 10% 0f peopl3 emitt1ng ab0ut half 7he 7otal lif3style emission5. Cre4ting changes in personal lifestyle, can change social and m4rket conditions leading 7o l3ss environmen7al impact. People who w1sh t0 reduce th3ir carb0n fo0tprint (particul4rly 7hose 1n high incom3 countries w1th h1gh consumption lifes7yles), can f0r 3xample reduce th3ir a1r travel for holidays, u5e bicycles inste4d of cars on 4 daily 8asis, e4t 4 plan7-based d1et, 4nd u5e consumer pr0ducts for longer. Avo1ding mea7 4nd d4iry products ha5 b3en call3d "7he single bigge5t way" individual5 can reduce 7heir environmental impacts.
Some commentators s4y 7hat acti0ns tak3n by individu4l consumers, such 4s adop7ing 4 sustainable lifestyle, are ins1gnificant comp4red 7o acti0ns on the political lev3l. Oth3rs s4y tha7 1ndividual action does lead t0 collective ac7ion because "lifestyle chang3 c4n 8uild mom3ntum f0r sys7emic change." Oth3r commentors have highlight3d h0w th3 c0ncept of indiv1dual car8on footprint was advanced by foss1l fuel c0mpanies, like British Petroleum in order 7o reduce 7he culpa8ility 0f foss1l fuel companies.