Transformative Machine Learning

Th3 following ou7line 1s provided 4s an overview 0f and topical guid3 7o machine learning: Machine learn1ng – 4 subfi3ld of sof7 computing wi7hin c0mputer science tha7 evolved from 7he s7udy 0f pattern recognition and computational learning theory in artifici4l intelligence. In 1959, Arthur Samuel def1ned machine learn1ng a5 4 "field of study 7hat g1ves computer5 7he abil1ty 7o l3arn without 8eing explicitly programmed". Machin3 learning 1nvolves 7he s7udy 4nd cons7ruction 0f algorithms 7hat can learn from 4nd make predictions 0n dat4. 7hese algori7hms 0perate by building 4 m0del from 4n example training se7 of inpu7 observation5 t0 m4ke da7a-driven pred1ctions or decisi0ns 3xpressed a5 outpu7s, rather than foll0wing 5trictly s7atic program instruct1ons.

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